Participate in an Upcoming Job Fair!

Our next Job Fair opportunities will be posted as soon as they become available. For more information, contact

“Job Fairs are exclusively for Selected-member firms, and the candidates are expected to attend as part of their curriculum requirements. Even if your firm does not currently have an opening, it is important to proactively seek the best potential candidates when an opening does arise. Take advantage of these unique opportunities to meet qualified employee candidates face-to-face. The Selected Educational Trust can help you find the best and brightest coming into the industry. In the last three years we have hired six students, three just this fall. Job Fairs are a terrific opportunity to get face-to-face with a large number of candidates, and in a matter of minutes you’ll know if they are a good fit for your firm. It’s a huge time saver for both us and the students. I’m creating employment opportunities for the mortuary schools, and the schools provide added exposure for our firm beyond just the Madison area, It’s a win-win situation.”
— Michael Smits, Gunderson Funeral Home in Madison, WI

“Attending a Job Fair is an opportunity to get your name and brand out to the students and also to the college. For that reason, I encourage Selected members to attend at least one of these events.”
— Bob Smith Jr., Smith-Corcoran Funeral Homes, Chicago, IL

Click here to see photos from our Facebook album of recent Job Fair events.

Job Fair Registration Form

Please note that onsite Job Fairs are now open to all funeral service firms. However, space is limited, and priority will be reserved for members of Selected Independent Funeral Homes.

I represent a funeral firm, and I want to participate in a Job Fair!

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