Applications are currently closed.
The next round of applications will open in Spring 2025
and applications will be due May 31, 2025.
Applicant Eligibility Requirements
You must complete the Eligibility Questionnaire at the beginning of the online application confirming that you meet the following requirements:
- You are enrolled and attending classes (in-person or online) either on a part-time or full-time basis at an ABFSE-accredited Mortuary Science Program.
- You are not related to an owner of a funeral home currently operating in North America.
- You can provide proof of the following:
- You have previously worked full or part-time in at least one career other than funeral service and that funeral service will be a new career for you.
- Tuition and fees owed and any financial assistance you have already or are currently receiving.
- What mortuary sciences courses you have completed to date and what courses in which you are currently enrolled.
- Your current Mortuary Science GPA.
- You can and will complete and sign the online application form and submit all the required documents by the deadline identified.
- You are not a former recipient of a Second-Career Scholarship Award.
Application Checklist
Applicants must submit a completed online application on or before May 31 (for the Spring cycle) or October 31 (for the Fall cycle) each year. The application includes:
- Personal essay (not to exceed 1,500 words)
- Financial Needs Assessment Form completed and signed by an authorized representative of your academic institution
- Coursework and GPA Assessment Form completed and signed by an authorized representative of your academic institution
- Letter of recommendation from a member of the faculty of your academic institution
- Letter of recommendation from a current or previous employer
Go to our Online Scholarship Application system to preview the process or begin your application. Only completed applications will be considered.
Scholarship Program FAQs
What are the program deadlines?
The deadline for completed applications for the Spring Cycle is May 31st (11:59 pm., CT). the deadline for completed applications for the Fall Cycle is October 31st (11:59 p.m., CT).
What are the scholarship award restrictions?
Scholarship awards (number and amount) are based upon availability. Normally, four scholarships of $1,500 each are awarded annually: two for the Spring Cycle (awarded in late June) and two for the Fall Cycle (awarded in late December/early January). Only online applications are accepted. All applications must be fully completed and all required forms completed and verified as indicated.
Who makes the award decisions?
The Selected Educational Trust Board of Trustees reviews all completed and eligible applications and chooses the award recipients based on submitted materials.
How and when are award monies distributed?
All scholarship award monies will be paid directly to the recipient’s academic institution and are to be used solely for the recipient’s tuition and associated academic expenses. Recipients must be currently enrolled in Mortuary Science School to be deemed eligible and must be attending classes during the period when the award monies will be utilized.
Is membership in Selected Independent Funeral Homes a requirement for this scholarship or application process?
No, membership in Selected Independent Funeral Homes is not a requirement for consideration. Scholarships are awarded on an equal-opportunity basis among eligible applicants. The Selected Educational Trust does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, national origin, religion, gender identification, sex, or disability.
How are scholarship applications accepted?
All scholarship applications must be submitted online through the website link provided.
What is required for an application to be considered "complete?"
- A completed online application form.
- A completed Mortuary Science Coursework and GPA Assessment Form signed and verified b an authorized representative of the applicant’s academic institution and submitted through the online application process.
- A completed Financial Needs Assessment Form signed and verified b an authorized representative of the applicant’s academic institution and submitted through the online application process.
- An essay of not more than 1,500 words describing the applicant’s need, previous or current employment, career experiences and objectives, and desire to work in funeral service. This essay must be submitted as part of the online application.
- A letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
- A letter of recommendation from a current or previous employer.
Who is considered "eligible" for this scholarship?
Eligible applicants must:
- Be currently enrolled and attending classes in an ABFSE accredited Mortuary Science program during the time for which the award is being used.
- Not be related in any manner to an owner of a funeral home currently operating in North America.
- Provide proof of the following:
a. that you have previously worked full- or part-time in at least one career other than funeral service.
b. that Funeral Service will be a new career for you.
c. Tuition and fees owed and financial assistance currently being received.
d. Mortuary Science courses you are currently taking or have taken and dates of those courses.
e. Grades and GPA for all Mortuary Science courses completed.
f. A completed online application.
g. All completed forms required as part of the online application.
Are previous Second-Career Scholarship winners eligible to receive a subsequent scholarship?
No. Previous Second-Career Scholarship recipients are not eligible for subsequent scholarship awards.